Posted by: Toni Sprandel | August 22, 2013

Look for the Glint

Awesome post! Check out her blog!

Eyes Wide Open


We are to look for Jesus in others with all that we have.

Do you try to see the best in others?

Do you look for the glint in their eye?

What’s special about that person you are interacting with today? What do you see in them that reminds you of the glory of God’s creation?

Even when darkness or despair is overtaking a person, do we search for some kind of beauty in them? Do we see them as magnificent creatures that God values and loves and wants to draw closer to Him with every passing moment?

There’s a glint somewhere in there.

Are we doing anything to ignite it? Are we really looking?

Do we feel afraid to point it out when we see Jesus shining through? Are we blinded by our own unwillingness to look deeper, harder, get outside of the box that we have placed others…

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